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Jun 10, 20227 min read
Russian Historian/ Российский историк. A Cold Civil War / Холодная Гражданская Война
For quite a long time I was engaged in the study of the history of the Civil War in Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century - the...
Jun 6, 20222 min read
'Civil War Has Begun'/'Началась гражданская война'
From Telegram Channel Super, created by Russian journalist Roman Super. I was born in 1968 in Uzbekistan, in the ancient city of Bukhara....
Jun 4, 20222 min read
Putin's ledger: 100 days of death / Путинский бухгалтерский учет — сто дней смерти
Illustration by Yuri Pogorelov A full-scale criminal war has been going on for more than 100 days. The Russian regime has no regard for...
Jun 2, 20224 min read
Sociologist (f) from St Petersburg, no longer in Russia. Социолог, Санкт-Петербург, уехала из России
Feelings from the first days of the war: a foggy head, anxiety, as if you are literally driving a car that is totally out of control...
Jun 1, 20222 min read
Soviet Jokes are returning. Nostalgia / Советские анекдоты возвращаются. Ностальгия
Illustration by Yuri Pogorelov. On the tank it says 'Nostalgia.' Иллюстрация: Юрий Погорелов An American boasts to a Russian: - I have...
May 29, 20224 min read
Muscovite (30-40), Москвичка (30-40)
War is a sorrow about which it is legally forbidden to speak. This happens in countries where human rights are an empty phrase. These...
May 29, 20222 min read
Freelancer, Moscow (40-50)/ Фрилансер, Москва (40-50)
My first reaction… To be honest, I was waiting for this somehow subconsciously. A friend called me and asked why have you put the...
May 29, 20227 min read
Freelancer, Russian Far-East (50-60)/ Фрилансер, Дальний Восток (50-60)
This situation with Ukraine really began for me in 2014. Of course, I was shocked when I learned that Russia had annexed Crimea. I was...
May 22, 20229 min read
Writer, literary critic Moscow / Филолог, писатель, литературный критик. Москва
“I don’t remember how I found out about the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine on the morning of February 24. But I remember my...
May 22, 20224 min read
Web-designer, currently outside of Russia / Веб-дизайнер, Москва. Уехал с семьей из России
“The current situation has plunged me and my colleagues into deep despair, which has an impact on levels of efficiency at work. I...
May 22, 20224 min read
Employee of leading Russian university / Историк, преподаватель одного из гуманитарных ВУЗов Москвы
“Firstly, our community of the humanities, like the entirety of Russian society, is divided, and is not a single whole, and, secondly, is...
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